A poem by Dean Young. I knew I didn't want to literally illustrate the words from the poem. I decided I wanted to work primarily with shadows. All the text (except the few words in the foreground) was shot in a studio. I storyboarded and designed the text and then printed the words on sheets of acetate. Along with my crew, DJ Johns and John Burgess, we hung the sheets from c-stands, placed white board close behind the acetate sheets and lit them. We added moving light and camera movement in order to capture the actual printed word and the cast shadows. I composited together layers of the footage to create the base visuals, added a piece of stock footage and a few words. The needle drop music was not edited - it just fit around the visuals and the VO. Poet, Tim Nolan read the poem. audiochick Carly Zuckweiler recorded the VO and did the mix.